There are many ways a parent can be involved at Bethlehem. Each year a sheet is sent home in the registration packet asking for help in different areas of the school: PTL member, Tutoring, Library Assistant, Lunchroom, Reading Partners, Picture Day Helper, Forensics Coach, Fall Gala/Auction helper or donation, etc. We hope you can find the time to help make your school a better place.

Parents also can help different classes with the following duties: planning classroom parties, attending class field trips, and arranging for help with classroom activities. 

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Parent Teacher League

PTL is another way to help out. ALL PARENTS are members of PTL. The objective of PTL is to provide an opportunity for the parents and teachers to work together for the general welfare of the students. Events sponsored by the PTL are:

  • Back to School Night - August
  • Back to school family welcome - first day of school
  • Fall Gala (Auction) - September
  • Fall Fundraiser - Oct/November
  • Craft & Vendor Sale - November
  • Christmas Shoppe - December
  • Christmas Bags - December
  • National Lutheran Schools Week - January
  • 5th& 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament - February
  • 7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament - February
  • Parenting/Student Informational Sessions
  • Game Night - Winter/Spring
  • Valentines Day/St. Patrick's Day Treats
  • Fun Fair - Spring
  • School Picnic - June
  • Teacher Recognition & Appreciation - all year
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Other Ways To Help

Every Day - Pray for our students and staff

Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences

Help your students with their work

Be an informed parent by reading the weekly newsletter

Volunteer in the cafeteria or in a classroom.