Loved by Jesus and Serving Others

Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church -

Bethlehem Lutheran Church exists as a community of Christians who receive the love, forgiveness, and care of God each and every day. We gather as the family of Christ to receive His blessings in Word and Sacrament. These blessings are not without impact on our lives. Christ also sends us out at the end of every worship service equipped to truly live as His creation. It is the will of God that all of His people live lives that share the glory of God in our service to others.

No matter where you are in matter how much you matter how worthy you feel, Christ has a place for you in His family.

We are glad you have found us at this website, and we invite you to come and see that the Lord is good. At Bethlehem, you will find a Christ-centered family that learns and grows together in the blessings and grace of your Savior. You will be loved by Jesus so that you can serve others!